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/ Amiga Collections: Memphis Amiga Group / MAG Disk of the Month (1991-10)(Memphis Amiga Group).zip / MAG Disk of the Month (1991-10)(Memphis Amiga Group).adf / Amigoids

Jump To: Image (8)  |  Audio (4)  |  Other (11)

Images (8)

Audio & Music (4)
Amigoids.snd.BShip Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 1KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.ExtraShip Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 10KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.LShip Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 1KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.Trush Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 2KB 1989-06-10

Other Files (11)
Amigoids AmigaOS Executable 32KB 1989-06-10
ppmore AmigaOS Executable 6KB 1989-06-10
req.library AmigaOS Executable 15KB 1989-06-10
.info Unknown 29b 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.ast_expl Unknown 9KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.fire Unknown 3KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.fire2 Unknown 9KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.gameover Unknown 33KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.Ship_Bump Unknown 2KB 1989-06-10
Amigoids.snd.Ship_Expl Unknown 7KB 1989-06-10
AmigoidScore.tab Unknown 721b 1989-06-10